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FMCM for Infant and Toddler Sleep

Michael and Kristen Myers • December 21, 2022

FMCM for Infant and Toddler Sleep

FMCM for Infant and Toddler Sleep 

Congratulations! You have recently welcomed a new bundle of joy into your life. Your days are filled with snuggles, feedings, and diaper changes. Unfortunately, there is probably one thing missing from these new additions and that’s much-needed sleep!

We know that when your little ones are not sleeping well, it affects your entire family’s well-being, health, and happiness.

There are many reasons why infants and toddlers have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Some of these reasons include scheduling issues, age, development, and more.

With over a decade of specializing in pediatric care, we have found one remarkably simple reason most infants and toddlers have sleep issues…

Physical Discomfort!

Yes, sleep issues can be from something that simple!

Physical discomforts commonly occur in infants from sustained compressive positional fetal stresses or restrictions from labor and delivery. For more information, read The Core Matrix: Why are babies born tight? 


Have you ever accidentally fallen asleep in a sitting position, perhaps while reading a book or watching a movie? An hour or two later you wake up and your head is hanging to the side, your body is slouched down into the chair, and you feel like you were run over by a truck. Ok, that is a bit of an exaggeration; however, if you have ever fallen asleep in a very awkward position for an extended period, you can relate to how sore your body feels in the hours and days afterward.

Infants and toddlers experience the very same response in their little bodies from in-utero positioning over the nine-month gestation period; however, the infant has no advanced language to express “Hey, my neck is sore! My back hurts! My shoulders ache! I have a headache!!

FMCM offers a simple solution to mitigate sleep issues (from physical/structural discomforts) in infants and toddlers. In most cases, the issue resolves completely after several sessions and without the need for changes in parenting philosophies. In other words, if you choose to co-sleep with your baby, you can, and your baby will comfortably sleep with you. If you prefer to have your infant sleep separately in their crib or their own bed, your baby will be more comfortable in his/her space.

Either way, an unbound and unrestricted baby is a comfortable baby.

FMCM for Sleep Issues in Infants and Toddlers

The Case Story

We received a call from a family whose child was twenty-two months old and was not sleeping well. As a matter of fact, he awoke crying many times through the night. Their child had never slept through the night - ever. The mother was exhausted and searching for a solution.

After reviewing the pregnancy and labor and delivery history, we found several “red flags” that pointed to fetal sustained compressions being the cause of the sleep issues.

The pregnancy was seemingly uneventful and healthy; however, we noticed on the intake that the infant was in the transverse position for several weeks before changing position. In our clinical research, we observed that infants who spent more time in the transverse position, horizontal rather than vertical, display significantly more compressions and restrictions in their fascial matrix. Not surprisingly, this little boy was born with torticollis. The transverse position is not an optimal position for fetal growth.

The other marker of this case included this pertinent detail – the infant was born post-term at forty-two weeks and was a large baby at birth. At forty-two weeks of pregnancy, the baby is still growing and has the potential to twist deeper into the intrauterine stresses and constraints.


The Fascial Matrix and Fetal Compressions

There are many factors that can impact the fascial web as the fetus is developing. Under optimal conditions a fetus can develop to full-term, in an unrestricted environment; however, most of the time the in-utero environment proves to have obstacles for the growing fetus. Intrauterine stresses consist of and are not limited to placenta previa, uterine bands, multiple pregnancies, bicornuate uterus, nuchal cord, oligohydramnios, and maternal scarring from prior surgeries.

As it grows, the embryo/fetus expands in size but retains the early pattern of position. Around the sixth month of pregnancy, the size limitation of the uterus or position of the maternal pelvis creates new demands and challenges in the internal environment for the growing fetus. The more severe this limitation within the uterus, the greater the likelihood for the fetus to rotate, fold, twist, and compress further into adaptations. By the time the fetus is ready to be born, he/she has developed a blueprint of connective tissue pulls that reflect intrauterine stresses and constraints.

The Myers Institute® has worked with well over 3,000 “tight” children in the last decade and all cases link back to a tight maternal abdominal cavity and/or birth trauma and stresses impacting the infant structure. The great news is that FMCM has been proven to effectively address this problem to the core layer.

Fetal compressions can present as “twists” or shortening of the fascial tissue through the fascial tissues of the back, shoulder girdle, hip girdle, thorax, or neck of the infant. These compressions can leave an infant feeling discomfort or pain. We believe that many infants may even experience headaches or cranial pressure from these restrictions.

Connective tissue distortions, pulls, and restrictions are subtle, but significant disturbances to the function of the structures and organs. If left untreated, these distortions and “pulls” imprint and become imbedded into the connective tissue causing a child to compensate around the problem, which is why many children continue to have sleep issues past infancy.


The Results

The first session was focused on easing up the compressions in the child’s core, neck, and base of cranium.

Two days after the first session, the mother reported a significant change in her child. While he still wasn’t sleeping through the night, he was no longer crying during the night and seemed happier.

 Four days after the first session, we received another update from the family. The child slept through two consecutive nights (a 12-hour stretch) for the first time since he was born!

The progression of these changes over the days after the first session is a great example of how the body heals or integrates (for more information on how the fascial matrix integrates and heals, read What to Expect. The healing process is usually gradual and can sometimes be nonlinear, where symptoms come and go as the body is restructuring.

A few days later the child began to not sleep as well as he had those two days. This "regression" is temporary and is a typical characteristic with many natural modalities and non-linear healing. Most often times, more sessions are needed to complete and "hold" the healing process. The number of sessions that is needed to bring the body into balance is unique to the individual and is dependent on the complexity of the case.


The Value of FMCM

Babies and children need sleep to grow and develop well. Good sleep is also important for their health and immunity. So, if your baby isn’t settling or sleeping well, your baby might not be getting the sleep they need for health and development.

You’re probably not getting enough sleep either. You need sleep for your health and well- being. And your child is more likely to grow, develop, and thrive when you’re physically, emotionally, and mentally well. If you are going to be the best mom you can be, you absolutely need to get regular, sufficient rest and we recognize how important this is for you and your family. The balance needs to happen within the child/parent dyad.

We are incredibly passionate about working with families after the birth of their child and encourage treatments to begin as soon as is appropriate for the situation. We find that as time passes, the compressions that occur from in utero/labor and delivery, become more solidified in the tissue. While we can still eliminate the restrictions with FMCM techniques later in childhood, it is always easier to work with the imbalanced tissue as soon as possible after the trauma or stressful experience. 


FMCM promises to improve the standard for pediatric care, and we are passionate about helping families thrive.

Michael and Kristen Myers, LMT, December 2022 ©


At the Myers Institute®, we specialize in the Fascial Matrix Connection Method® and Somatic Movement Therapy (The Matrix in Motion). This holistic approach to wellness emphasizes the healing potential of the facial matrix. With over twenty-one years of practice, our methods provide a comprehensive path to a rebalanced overall wellness by focusing on the intricate network of the connective tissue system and the body’s natural movement.

Fascial Matrix Connection Method® and The Matrix in Motion are intended to serve as an adjunct to medically supervised healthcare. This article is not designed for and does not provide medical advice. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental advice or care. You should consult with a healthcare provider for diagnosis and collaborative treatment. Michael Myers, Kristen Myers, and the Myers Institute ® are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the method discussed within the information of this article.

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