

A woman and a child are hugging each other on a couch.

RP of Morristown, NJ writes:

Our son was twelve months old and presented with some subtle developmental delays when I first contacted Michael Myers for Remote FMCM.

Some of our son’s issues included: unable to sleep through the night, breathing with his mouth open, unable to roll over (until long past seven months old), slight symptoms of torticollis, unable to crawl, and unable to babble baby consonants (like mama and baba).

After the first two sessions, our baby slept through the night for the first time in his life. I also then observed him sleeping with his mouth closed – an oral position that he had never been able to do before.

As we continued forward with therapy, all our son’s progress continued to grow exponentially.

It is now less than 6 months later, and he can move freely, babble and started speaking his first two words, learned how to sit and stand without help from us, bean assisted walking, and sleeping through the night with his mouth closed!

Each bit of progress that we saw happened after each additional session and Michael’s work has been the heaven-sent catalyst for our son’s growth.

Michael has always been pleasant and accommodating to work with and graciously gave us ample time to explain and answer any of our questions or concerns.

We are grateful for all that Michael has done to help our child and family.

Thank you!

KR of Shartlesville, PA writes:

I am so grateful to Michael Myers for helping me through one of the most difficult times of my life.

I was in a car accident in 2019 and as a result, I suffered a whiplash injury to my neck. X rays showed no damage, but the pain and headaches became increasingly worse over the course of the next few weeks. I ended up going through 8 weeks of physical therapy, a year of massage and chiropractic and then another 6 weeks of PT and saw little improvement to my condition. Also, during that year and a half I started to experience nerve pain in my face and right eye.

When I was feeling like there was no hope for recovery, I reached out to Mike and I am so glad I did. Even though we live states apart he explained to me that FMCM could be given distantly. He took the time to listen to all my symptoms and even gave me some stretches to try at home.

I quickly began to feel the results of the remote work as my pain was reduced from constant and varied in intensity to mild and intermittent. As a result of my treatment, I was even able to resume some activities that I had to give up because of the pain.

It felt so good to throw a ball with my kids again!

R.K. of Paradise, PA writes:

Our entire family has benefitted from receiving FMCM from Michael and Kristen over the last five years. After receiving FMCM, my three-year-old son was relieved from all his earaches. He also received FMCM shortly after a bad fall, which completely alleviated the discomfort from his shoulders. 

FMCM helped my older son with his mood and energy levels. Prior to receiving his last treatment, he was lethargic and disinterested in eating. Within, 24 hours of his treatment, he was back to his normal happy self.

My husband’s back pain is completely gone and my over all wellbeing has improved greatly.

We have all received the benefits that FMCM has to offer and highly recommend it to other families.

A.A. of Lancaster, PA writes:

When my daughter was born, she did not breastfeed well-she did not have a good latch. She also seemed fussy; she would cry very quickly if I ever put her down. 
Mike treated her when she was about a week old. Treatment was very gentle and I felt that she was in very good hands. Within the next few days, she became happier and nursed better. After a few more days, she started to go back to being fussy again – she needed another treatment.  

We saw Mike again 4 more times within 2 months. Each time, within a couple of days, she would be happier and more relaxed- and the results were sticking.  

Her latch actually changed to be more comfortable for me and she could take in more milk. 

After a total of 5 treatments, Mike felt that she would not need any more treatments as a newborn.  

He left me with a much happier, more content baby who spit up less and nursed better. FMCM is a gentle, but powerful treatment!  

M.S. of East Earl, PA writes:

My baby was had difficulty nursing right after her birth. She lost more than one pound of weight within her first week and I needed to supplement her. By 7 weeks old, she was sleeping all night, but was refusing to nurse in the morning. She seemed to be in pain. She also developed a chronic stuffy nose and snorted when she cried. 

 I decided to give my baby her first FMCM treatment when she was 8 weeks old. I had not had any experience with this method before and I was absolutely amazed at the results!  

The treatment gently changed her facial features and mouth position. At first, she seemed confused when she nursed and I knew the treatment was correcting the cause of her nursing problem. It seemed her jaw and face was tight from the pressure from before and during birth. 
Three treatments were all that my baby needed to correct all of her problems. Her sinuses cleared and the nursing problem completely resolved. At 6 months old, my daughter has doubled her birth weight and is a cheerful little girl.

I would definitely recommend FMCM for infants!   

Also, I want to add a special ‘”thank you” to Michael and Kristen for providing such caring, gentle, and amazing therapy for infants.                                                              

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