Matrix Energy Healing

Matrix Energy Healing is a form of remote intuitive energy work which accesses the physical and emotional stresses that have imprinted in the body.

This advanced approach unites the principles of the Fascial Matrix Connection Method® and Quantum Physics to facilitate changes and  healing within the fascial matrix.

What is the Fascial Matrix?


The Fascial Matrix is both a tissue and a system.

Fascial tissue is a silvery white connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, nerve, and vessel down to the cellular level. This connective tissue forms a three-dimensional web or MATRIX that connects from head to toe, arm to arm, without interruption. This system’s function is to support vital organs in their correct position and provide cohesion to all the body structures. The Fascial Matrix keeps everything separate yet interconnected at the same time.

While it is a multifaceted entanglement of tissue within each body system, the Fascial Matrix performs a more complex role in the body. 

Within the Fascial Matrix, we find imprints of the stresses of our life experiences, some of them being traumas. These imprints begin during fetal development and include our womb experience. Our birth experience creates an additional imprint within the weave of the fascial tissue.

From there, we may experience other life traumas or stresses. These can be in the form of accidents, surgeries, medical procedures, or emotional wounds, all which result in bracing patterns, scars, adhesions, and crystallizations within the weave of the fascia.  

Over time, the imprints of traumas overlap, layer, and intertwine creating further restrictions. Fascial restrictions can create substantial pressure within the nervous system, the muscular system, the digestive system, the urogenital system, the respiratory system, and the lymphatic system.

Fascial restrictions pull or twist into adjacent or distant areas from the original trauma and have an effect like compressive bands (rubber bands) which limit the function and structure of the body. This effect can leave someone feeling like they are confined in a straitjacket. 


To the untrained eye, these bands are undetectable or seemingly invisible. The result is functional or structural imbalances that can impair pre- and post-natal development, as well as accumulate and affect a person for a lifetime. 

The Fascial Matrix is not limited to the physical aspect of trauma. The emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that accompany these life stresses are also recorded within the tissues of the Fascial Matrix.

Each fascial cell, which possesses electromagnetic properties, holds the memory or information related to our life experiences. These cells communicate, send signals, and transmit this information, that influence the entire body down to the DNA level. 

This concept is part of Quantum Physics and the Quantum Field and is known as Quantum Entanglement.


Therefore, the emotional and physical Matrix are intertwined as one and cannot be separated. These memories or messages become imprinted and layered within the Fascial Matrix of our bodies and impact the subconscious mind and our lens of reality.


What is the Quantum Field?

The quantum field is an invisible field of energy that connects and organizes everything physical. The field is experienced with awareness of energy, frequency, vibration, and information through the realm of thought.  

By tuning into that energy, all possibilities exist.



How do we connect to the Fascial Matrix in the Quantum Field?


The electromagnetic properties of the fascial matrix connect directly to the quantum field and transmits information in the form of energy frequency and vibration.


The practitioner connects to the quantum field via the pineal gland. The pineal gland, when fully activated, is a crystalline superconductor that receives information through the transduction of energetic vibrational signals (frequencies beyond the senses) into the biological tissue (the brain and the mind) in the form of meaningful imagery, the same way an antenna translates different channels onto a TV screen. The practitioner can then access the information needed to facilitate changes to the fascial matrix via the connection to the “antenna” of the recipient. In other words, the practitioner is sending information to the recipient’s fascial matrix to facilitate healing.


In the quantum field the body is not a physical body, but energy without limitations. When we step into the field, there are no limitations to a person’s ability to heal and transform their life.

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