Immediately after birth, an infant may be unable to feed, may have digestive issues, such as spitting up, or may have breathing issues. As these structural compensations remain in the body, they can interfere with developmental milestones such as creeping, crawling, standing, walking, and speech.
Connective tissue distortions, pulls, and restrictions are subtle, but significant disturbances to the function of structures and organs. If left untreated during the growth phases in a child’s life, these distortions and compressions imprint and become imbedded into the connective tissue, causing a child to compensate around the problem.
Contrary to common view, the child will not grow out of these compressions and restrictions, but instead will grow into functional and structural limitations.
In our clinical research, we found that children who presented with digestive issues, such as chronic stomach pains, low appetite, or unexplained nausea, often had a history of colic, reflux, or constipation as infants. This strongly suggests that children do not “grow out of” common infant conditions, but in reality, may be “growing into” new problems.
We also found that children with unaddressed fascial restrictions related to ankyloglossia (tongue-tie), are those that may evolve into speech issues, food aversions, and other restrictions that can impact the formation of the oral cavity. This fascial imbalance can extend into the pharynx causing breathing issues or dental issues.
The body remembers and records every event.
What would it be like if we addressed issues before they had time to settle and create years of compensation?
FMCM and The Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy provides a gentle, yet effective solution that is transforming the lives of children. This model has been proven effective with these pediatric conditions. Conditions including, but not limited to:
Fascial Matrix Connection Method® and Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy is intended to serve as an adjunct to medically supervised healthcare. Myers Institute continues to collaborate with physicians, nurses, midwives, IBCLCs, speech pathologists, other medical professionals and parents to improve patient care. This ongoing collaboration allows for optimization of the healing process and helps children and adults thrive. FMCM and Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy is an innovative state-of-the-art approach that is utilized to enhance other methods, modalities, and procedures, accelerating the healing response.