
About Us

Michael Myers, along with his wife Kristen, established and co-developed the Myers Institute ® Fascial Matrix Connection Method ® (FMCM ), and Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy. FMCM and The Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy provides an evidence-based, mindful healing approach on how to recover from trauma and stressful life experiences and is transforming the lives of infants, children, and adults.

Culminating over twenty-one years of clinical and research applications with over 3,000 infants, children, and adults, the Myers are exceptionally proficient in the field of fascial studies and specialize in pediatric conditions. Their work concentrates on how traumas and life stresses influence the emotional and physical health within the body’s fascial matrix.

Aside from their education and credentials, the Myers’ work has become what it is today through the culmination of clinical and research applications; however, their personal healing experiences are what gave rise to the complete philosophy and passion behind FMCM. Because of this, Michael and Kristen can provide a compassionate and safe space for adults, children, and infants to heal and transform.

Michael and Kristen’s passion lies within helping you and your loved ones reach their highest potential and thrive in life. 

Our Story

We share our story because we want to connect with those who may be silently suffering with the same thoughts, the same symptoms, and the same limitations. 

We share this because we lived it. We get it. We healed. And we can help.


Michael Myers, LMT, BCTMB - My Story:

Michael Myers

In 2004, Michael was diagnosed with mild case of sleep apnea.  He was given a c-pap machine to manage his condition but struggled to maintain continuous usage. The discomfort of the c-pap machine and the struggle to find the proper fit led Michael  to investigate other options.

After receiving FMCM therapy from his wife, Kristen, Michael  decided to commit to corrective work to see if restructuring his airway would ameliorate his condition.

Connecting the strains from life experiences to the oropharyngeal structures released and corrected the composition of Michael ’s airway. The symptoms related to this condition: snoring, gasping for air, and daily fatigue slowly dissipated during the course of fascial therapy, improving Michael 's quality of life.


Michael ’s own healing experience as well as his collaboration with Kristen in pursuing an effective therapeutic approach to the challenges that arose for her, due to the birth of their daughter, has contributed to the development of the FMCM model.

Throughout his professional career, Michael has worked within the hospital NICU setting and post NICU setting on children who suffered from a variety of conditions. Over this time, Michael was introduced to several children who were too fragile to receive the hands-on FMCM model or could not receive therapy due to distance logistics. During these delicate times, Michael merged his understanding of quantum physics to the FMCM model to test the grounds and applied the work to these children in the quantum (energy) field. 

In the quantum field, the body is not a physical body, but energy without limitations.

The results were outstanding, and the children began to heal and thrive. Once infant who was unable to feed by mouth, began to breastfeed within thirty minutes, and was able to be discharged from the NICU much earlier than expected.

This was the birth of Remote FMCM.

Michael continues to specialize in this advanced form of therapy, working remotely with adults, children, and infants worldwide.


Kristen Myers, LMT - My Story:

Kristen Myers

After five years of intensive fertility treatments and the very difficult birth of my daughter, I was left very sick. My daughter entered the world beautiful and perfect, but I was left feeling physically and emotionally damaged. The complications of the pregnancy almost cost me my life and I was left with PTSD.

Instead of enjoying my new role as a mother, I was living with cluster migraines that lasted six to seven days at a time. My body shook from the moment I stood up in the morning and lasted until early evening. I had severe brain fog and most of the time felt like I was moving through quicksand.  I felt like my body was “zipped tight” from my face to my pelvis and while everyone told me this was “normal” after a cesarean section surgery, I felt that something was seriously wrong with me.


For 2 years I was evaluated by many health care professionals only to come up short with no viable answers. During this time, we used our background in manual therapy to reduce the intensity of my symptoms. As we connected the specific points of trauma in my body and released the restrictions, using the FMCM techniques, I began to slowly return to myself. 

What had happened is that with each fertility injection (and there were hundreds of them that were injected into my abdomen, legs, and gluteal muscles over the five years), the procedures, surgeries, the edema from preeclampsia - all of this trauma had accumulated and twisted my connective tissue structure into a fused distorted straightjacket.

Through the application of the FMCM techniques each layer of trauma was released, the migraines disappeared, my body felt less zipped, I gained mental clarity, my blood pressure returned to normal, anxiety disappeared, and, eventually, all my symptoms resolved. 

I cannot quite say that I returned back to myself, it was more like I transformed into a more present and engaged person, free from the pain and suffering. Most importantly, I began to enjoy motherhood.


We were able to take these lessons and successful results, acquired through my own personal healing journey using the FMCM techniques, and apply these same corrective techniques to our pediatric and adult clients in restoring structural and functional health for them, as well. 

Kristen is currently not accepting new clients.

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