Anxiety is our body’s response to perceived danger or notable events. It can be like an internal alarm system that alerts us to a threat and helps our body prepare to deal with it.
Anxiety triggers the “fight-flight-freeze” response. When faced with a potential danger, your body revs up to protect you so that you can take the appropriate action – fight, flight, or freeze.
This response is critical to our survival, but what happens when there is no real danger.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns for children. Anxious youth can often be quiet and “well behaved,” and thus frequently go unnoticed by their parents and other adults. Alternatively, other children can be disruptive and “act out,” being labeled as having attention deficit disorder or being a “bad kid.”
Both scenarios can suggest that there may be anxiety issues.
Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety in children can include, but are not limited to[1]:
Anxiety is not all bad. It can motivate us or help us avoid danger. The problem is when anxiety becomes too intense and is no longer helpful – or even paralyzing.
FMCM for Anxiety in Children
The Case Story
An eight-year-old boy presented with significant symptoms related to anxiety. Ten months prior to the consultation, the young boy developed separation anxiety. The child was unable to be apart from his mother and would cry when separated. The feeling that the child felt within his body was that of loss and death if he didn’t always remain near his mother.
Because of the anxiety, the child was unable to attend school or any activities that required him to be independent from his mother. The family’s lifestyle was severely debilitated from the issue.
After seeing several medical professionals, the family had very few answers and began looking for a natural solution to address the core of their child’s problem.
The child’s history revealed nothing extraordinary - there was no obvious trauma or life event that appeared to be a contributor or trigger. The mother described her son’s birth as “easy” and without stress or trauma.
Sometimes our role as a practitioner feels like that of a private detective, we must continue to gather evidence to analyze and solve the problem. This case was one of those instances. We needed to dig a little deeper.
While mental health is an extremely sensitive subject, we needed to take a closer look at the mother’s overall wellbeing during the pregnancy.
Fetal Stress and the Fascial Matrix
Within the Fascial Matrix, we find imprints of all the stresses of our life experiences. These imprints begin during fetal development and include our womb experience. For more information: The Core Matrix: why are babies born tight? The Womb Experience.
When a woman is pregnant, her baby is exposed to everything in her experience. This includes the sounds in the environment, the air that is breathed, the food that is eaten, and the emotions that she feels. When the woman feels happy and calm, it allows her baby to develop in a calm environment as well. However, emotions like stress and anxiety can increase particular hormones in the woman’s body, which can affect the baby’s developing body.
A woman’s mental health is an integral part of her fetus’s environment, and the normal stresses of modern life are expected. However, severe stress during pregnancy can greatly impact her developing fetus. Severe stress can include, and are not limited to, the loss of a loved one, war, or a major catastrophe like a flood, fire, or earthquake.
How do mother’s feelings impact the fascial matrix?
Ongoing research and studies are showing how stress reaches a developing fetus. During pregnancy, the fetus lives alongside a sac called the placenta, which is the key deliverer of information from the mother to the child. The placenta is not only about nutrient transfer; it is also an important source of hormones that influence maternal and fetal function.
From about the seventh week onward, the placenta helps provide the frontal brain of the baby with serotonin so that the mother’s emotional state while carrying, is transferred to the fetus directly; influencing the development of her baby. If the mother has too much stress hormone, cortisol, it can register an epigenetic change – a molecular modification to the gene that changes how it functions – that allows more cortisol through to the growing fetus which in turn affects the stress regulation system.
Fear can impact the development of the fascial matrix starting at conception and can continue during fetal development. Our clinical research demonstrates that all maternal thoughts, feelings, and emotions are felt and processed by the fetus via the matrix connection. Therefore, all chemical stress hormones will accumulate and store within the fascia of the fetus and accumulate in their body as if it were their own. In short, this stress is encoded in the most basic aspects of the baby’s cells which creates a physiological expectation on the part of the child that the world is fearful and threatening[2].
We believe this is one of the ways in which intergenerational trauma stores in the body and continues to be passed on, if left unhealed.
The Treatment and Results
The healing work began with addressing the child’s core fascial matrix. While it was crucial to free up the compressions in the child’s body, it was just as important to look at the maternal stresses during pregnancy.
During the consultation and assessment, the child’s mother shared that at the end of the second trimester the family experienced a significant trauma – a fire. She described the experience as “the most traumatic and frightening experience she has ever faced.” Their stable, which held their livestock (horses, cows, and goats), caught on fire and burned to the ground. Unfortunately, all their animals perished. She described the loss as catastrophic.
As the mother shared this experience, I got the sense that she had not resolved that trauma fully.
Unfortunately, most people do not allow their bodies to fully process a trauma, no matter how big or small the stressor may be. Instead, we may push forward in our life desperately attempting to jump back into “our normal”. Most people have not been held in the space to fully process a stressful event, but instead told to “suck it up”, “be strong”, “don’t be needy”, “don’t be an inconvenience” or whatever words were programmed into our belief system. Therefore, the trauma may remain unresolved.
“People start to heal the moment they feel heard.” – Cheryl Robinson
One of our roles as a practitioner is to “listen” to the stories that are held within the body, while holding the space for the information to surface in its own space and time to heal. Listening is incredibly valuable in the stages of healing.
As the mother shared her feelings, the fear and grief during her sixth month of pregnancy, we could feel the energy shift in her and then in her son. For her, it was a release. This mother felt heard, and her feelings were validated. For her son, it was an “a-ha” moment of understanding that the anxiety he was feeling in his body did not belong to him.
This piece of information was crucial in the young boy’s healing. While the work on the physical structure is important for healing, we must address the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that become imprinted in the matrix. FMCM taps into the healing potential of the mind – body continuum, thus healing the physical and the emotional stresses.
After five FMCM sessions, the young boy released enough in utero compressions to feel comfortable in his body again and no longer felt anxiety and fear. He was able to return to school for the first time in a year.
The child’s mother reported that she had never seen her son as happy and content as he was after the work was complete.
It is unrealistic to expect that we can banish all stressful scenarios from our lives. It should be obvious that almost every source of major stress – loss of a loved one, violence, poverty, a demanding workload, family turbulence, etc. – is outside the control of the woman experiencing it NOR IS IT HER FAULT. But given that we live in a culture that frequently blames mothers for whatever happens to their children, we must step back, and instead, focus on women being cared for preventatively.
FMCM offers a solution for mothers to heal unresolved stresses and traumas. The work offers support in healing stresses that can accumulate in the mother’s body before, during, or after a pregnancy. It is never too late to address those stresses, and as a result, the mother can give herself and her children the gift of healing trauma in the ancestral lineage.
What a beautiful gift.
Michael and Kristen Myers, LMT, January 2023©
Fascial Matrix Connection Method® and The Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy is intended to serve as an adjunct to medically supervised healthcare. This article is not designed for and does not provide medical advice. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental advice or care. You should consult with a healthcare provider for diagnosis and collaborative treatment. Michael Myers, Kristen Myers, and the Myers Institute ® are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the method discussed within the information of this article.
[2] Condron B., Daubert E., Heffron D., Mandell J., “Serotonergic dystrophy induced by excess serotonin,” Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 44 (2010): 297-306.