Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It is a feeling of apprehension or fear about what’s to come. It’s normal to feel anxious about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or giving a speech; however, what happens when there is trauma or stressful life experiences which leads to chronic anxiety?
Many people experience fear and anxiety during and after a traumatic event. They may feel physically sick, terrified, stressed, or on edge. Trauma overwhelms the nervous system and can alter our chemistry leaving us feeling vulnerable, powerless, and voiceless. In this state, we live in constant fear of the future and can feel robbed of living in our present.
Once the trauma has passed, it is often hard to explain why we feel anxious. This is because our fear signaling is coming from within our bodies, not our minds.
Does trauma come in varied sizes?
Here at the Myers Institute®, we do not distinguish between the big T and little t trauma. What matters is the impact the experience had on the individual and how it continues to affect their life.
We define trauma as any event that is too intense, too painful, and/or too confusing to be fully received in the emotional and/or physical body. This list is vast and includes events ranging from a violent event or devastating disaster to rejection by friends or neglectful parents.
The fascial matrix records all stressful events - all events are imprinted, even those that seem inconsequential. (For more information, read Emotions in the Matrix) Furthermore, everyone responds to trauma differently and anxiety will present differently based on many risk factors and variables.
FMCM for Anxiety in Adults
The Case Story
A 32-year-old woman presented with headaches, neck pain, anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks, leaving her unable to breathe. She has visited the hospital several times due to these episodes.
The woman’s life was significantly debilitated. She did not sleep well and could barely take care of her children, home, and small business. After seeing many medical healthcare professionals and therapists/counselors, she contacted us for an evaluation.
Her history included a substantial amount of physical and emotional trauma. She suffered from endometriosis, which became unbearable during her third and last pregnancy. This cost her greatly in that it resulted in a hysterectomy. She was only 28 years old at the time of the hysterectomy and had wanted to have more children. She described this loss as devastating and was unable to resolve the grief around the surgery that took her reproductive system and ended her dream for a bigger family.
Additionally, this woman experienced a second significant trauma while in her last pregnancy and during the time period of the hysterectomy. This second event compounded and added an additional layer to her emotional and physical body. The woman was a witness to her younger sister’s death, adding a huge layer of loss and grief to her matrix. She shared, “the loss of my sister was painful and devastating, but I pushed the grief down and aside to take care of my family.”
Unfortunately, most people do not allow their bodies to fully process a trauma, no matter how big or small the stressor may be. Instead, we may push forward in our life desperately attempting to jump back into “our normal”. Most people have not been held in the space to fully process a stressful event, but instead told to “suck it up”, “be strong”, “don’t be needy”, “don’t be an inconvenience” or whatever words were programmed into our belief system. Therefore, the trauma may remain unresolved.
Unresolved Trauma
This woman was holding at least two significant unresolved traumas in her matrix, which we believe contributes to so many physical and emotional issues.
Fear has the greatest impact on the architecture of the human fascial matrix. The matrix encapsulates the body in the form of bracing patterns, locking in the moment(s) and time(s) the body became “frozen” in fear. Most people are moving through life unknowingly bound and many have lost the ability to “feel” themselves.
During emotional or physical trauma, the fascial fibers react protectively by locking down. This is an involuntary response to fear or pain. OR to the threat of fear or pain. The matrix serves to protect the body. However, if one does not allow the appropriate fight or flight reaction (such as crying or yelling) following a fearful event, the parasympathetic nervous system cannot elicit the rest and restore response.
The emotional response to such events affects the integrity of the fascial tissue. When the innate freeze/fight/flight response is interrupted and is not permitted to express through to complete the discharge of fear chemicals (adrenaline, uric acid, lactic acid, etc.), the body traps this “stew” of fear chemicals into the weave of the fascia. Over time, these chemical byproducts marinate in the muscle, fascia, organs, vessels, and nerves and eventually become crystalized.
This response solidifies our physical body, while simultaneously creating emotional limitations that can last a lifetime. This imprint becomes incredibly integrated within the matrix, thus altering a person’s perception of reality. Fear is constantly signaling from the location where it is stored in the matrix – the imprint is in the body, not the mind.
The Treatment and Results
The healing work began by addressing the fascial compressions and restrictions that occurred from the hysterectomy scars.
Although the surgery was completed through laparoscopic methods, which is considered “less invasive”, we have found laparoscopic procedures create significant disruptions within the connective tissue architecture of the body. These scars send out a ripple effect that impact adjacent structures and many times can be found compressing at the most distant areas of the body.
We found that the compressions from the hysterectomy procedure/scars, three of them located around her navel, were bearing down on the fascia around and within the woman’s sternum, diaphragm, ribcage, and cranium.
Our clinical research demonstrates that the fascial weave within the diaphragm and sternum can be emotional storage sites for grief and fear. When we can hold the space for these tissues to change from frozen and bound to free and fluid, the emotional and physical body can heal on a very deep level.
After a series of sessions, the fascia in these areas began to reorganize and relax. The women reported that her symptoms were eliminated – the headaches were gone, she was able to sleep well, and her symptoms related to the anxiety dissipated to almost nothing. She stated that for the first time in many years, she was able to enjoy her life again.
While it is so amazing to record the physical changes that occur from FMCM, we are always deeply touched when we hear how unresolved trauma is healed from the work.
This woman’s story was one of those cases.
Her final update after therapy:
“I have finally found acceptance and peace with my sister’s death. I now feel reconnected and present in my body and have also worked through the grief related to the hysterectomy and loss of having additional children. Now that my body is free, I realize that those emotions were suppressed in my body for many years, and I now feel light.”
The icing on the cake to this healing story is that the family decided to expand their family by adopting a child.
When we can become unbound and find freedom in the body – mind continuum, we also find safety. Our sense of security many times is restored and can help remove us from the clutches of fear, moving us toward fully living in our present.
The body has the innate intelligence for healing. All we need to do is to listen to the stories held within the matrix.
We want you to understand that No trauma is ever small. No pain is ever small.
You deserve to be happy.
Michael and Kristen Myers, LMT, March 2023©
Fascial Matrix Connection Method® and The Matrix in Motion Somatic Movement Therapy is intended to serve as an adjunct to medically supervised healthcare. This article is not designed for and does not provide medical advice. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental advice or care. You should consult with a healthcare provider for diagnosis and collaborative treatment. Michael Myers, Kristen Myers, and the Myers Institute ® are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the method discussed within the information of this article.