What to Expect

How Does it Work and What Should I Expect?

The Myers Institute® Matrix Energy Healing packages and plan of care have been created to meet the needs of those with a busy lifestyle; therefore, you will only need to connect with me by phone for the first session.

The phone appointment may last approximately 15 to 20 minutes. All the subsequent sessions in your package can be done via text or email check in; however, I am always available to answer any questions or provide additional support in between sessions via text or phone call.

Assessment and Healing Session

During your phone appointment, we will discuss your goals and answer any questions you may have. I will begin my clinical assessment to prepare for the healing sessions. You will need to have all intakes filled out and submitted prior to this appointment as the assessment and the information on the intake serves to lay the groundwork for the healing sessions.

If a child or infant is receiving the healing session, I will be working/talking with the parent only during the assessment phase of this process. I may ask to see a picture or video of your child to assist me in my assessment.

The assessment begins as you share what is going on in your (or your child’s) physical and/or emotional body. As I listen to your words, I begin to gather energetic information. I also assess the physical structure during this time.

While we talk, your energy (or your child’s energy) begins to “light up” as information in my mind’s eye (pineal gland) as well as within my physical structure. This is where the healing or rebalancing begins.

After the preliminary assessment is complete, we will discuss the day and time for when the healing session will take place.

The sessions are given from my location, remotely. While you do not need to do anything specific to receive the energy, you will benefit the most from the session by being completely open to the possibility of a complete healing.

If an infant or a child is receiving the work, it is not necessary for the child to be quiet or do anything special. Children are naturally brilliant receivers of healing energy.

During the session, I will connect with your or your child’s energy in the quantum field and work with any physical or emotional imbalances that are present in the body.


When the healing work is complete, I will email the transcript from the healing session within 24 hours. Each transcript holds the details of the work that was done and what you can expect from the session.

There may be times where we might need to assess through Zoom format; however, because the work is done in the quantum field, face to face meets are not necessary for the sessions. With that being said, we want you to feel comfortable with the work and the process. You may request virtual meets for your sessions.

Follow up sessions will be created from session to session.


What Can I Expect After the Sessions?

The results that can occur from session to session vary and are unique to the individual. Many people experience physical and/or emotional healings, while some receive the benefits of clearing blockages that may contribute to life’s challenges.

It is also important to note that healing responses may appear to be “delayed” and usually present three to five days post session. Again, responses are unique and will vary.

In general, many experience temporary fatigue which can last for five to seven days. The body is processing on a deep level and fatigue is a natural byproduct of the healing. Other responses can include temporary mood changes and digestive changes, which is also a healing response to the work.

We recommend that you read What Can I Expect?, Healing is Non-Linear, and Emotions in the Matrix to fully understand the healing process from this modality.


How Often are Treatments Given?

I determine the frequency of the sessions based on the severity of the condition and the response of the individual from each treatment.

In general, I schedule one to two appointments per week until the package is completed. From there, the body needs time to move through the integration period (What Can I Expect?). The integration period can take up to four to six weeks after the last treatment. The work is extremely powerful, and the integration period is equally powerful. A large percentage of the healing occurs during the integration time.

Once the body has shifted beyond the integration, I will reevaluate and continue the work if need be.

As always, I am available to answer your questions and provide support for your healing journey.

“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Walking in the Sand
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